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Senior Drop-Off Days!


Tue, May 12, 2020 - Tue, May 12, 2020


09:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Michael Derbish

Senior Drop-Off Days!

Hi Senior Sentinels!!  This is the UPDATED information for Senior Drop-Off Days.


Please be sure to look for the following items to return:

·Textbooks, library books, any books that belong to MHS

·Technology (Chromebooks and hot spots)

·Uniforms/athletic gear (if you have any)

·JROTC items (if you have any)

·Band equipment (if you have any)

·Choir equipment (if you have any)

·Pay all debts online

·We will have you empty your locker when you are on campus.

Please come to the school on Tuesday, Wednesday, OR Friday to drop off your things.  You will stay in your car and we will direct you where to go.  The cars will be directed to the horseshoe area to park and get out of the car.  We will direct you to the lines for drop off.  


We will be practicing social distancing and people will be spaced 6 feet apart.  

You will need to wear a mask when you come to the school.


Please stay in your cars and wait for our guidance!  We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday!  

Tuesday and Wednesday please follow the times for your last name.  

Friday is a make-up day and you can come anytime between 9 and noon.

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